(561) 478-0240

24 Hours – Fast Service

West Palm Beach • Belle Glade • Palm Beach County

When most people think of the terms bail and bond, they typically think that they are the same thing because these words are often talked about together.  What many do not realize is that although these terms are very much related, they are actually two totally different parts of the legal process.

When someone gets arrested and is taken into custody, they are usually taken to the local county jail.  Here they will be processed and then placed in jail.  Since many people obviously want to get out of jail as quickly as possible, most jails will have standard bail schedules which specify the amount of bail needed for certain crimes.  If not, a judge will set the bail amount during the court hearing.  The “bail” is the amount of money that the defendant can pay in order to be released from jail until their court hearing.  If the defendant shows up for all of their court hearings then they will get their money, or bail returned to them once the case is closed.  If the defendant fails to show up to their court hearing then they forfeit their bail money and the court puts out a warrant for the defendant.

Sometimes if the crime is more serious, the amount of bail which is set is pretty high.  If this amount is too much for the defendant to pay then they can seek help from a bail bondsman.  The bail bondsman can then give the court a “bond”, which is basically a loan and a promise that the defendant will show for their court hearings.    If you need to seek help from a bail bondsman, there is a fee which the defendant pays to the bondsman in addition to the bond which was paid to the court.

If you or someone you love is in need of a bond in West Palm Beach, Belle Glade or in Palm Beach County, contact Tommy Richards Bail Bonds.  We offer fast service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You ring – We Spring!